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"McGrath" MAC BLADES for Video Laryngoscope (Various Sizes) - Box of 10

"McGrath" MAC BLADES for Video Laryngoscope (Various Sizes) - Box of 10

Weight: 0.0 kg

4 in stock

The McGRATH™ MAC video laryngoscope features five sterile, disposable blade size options to support paediatric to adult patients, routine and difficult airways:

  • McGRATH™ MAC blades size 1 and 2 are for smaller patients, feature a Macintosh style curvature, and are designed for routine use.
  • McGRATH™ MAC blades size 3 and 4 are for adult patients, feature a Macintosh style curvature, and are designed for routine use.
  • The McGRATH™ MAC X3 blade features a hyperangulated curvature and is designed for difficult airways ― achieving grade 1 or 2 views in 97% of cases.11

These are classified as low-risk. Manufacturer, reference number and expiration dates are not documented.

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